Il libro Solutions - Pre-intermedio - Cultura 2
Qui troverai il vocabolario di Cultura 2 nel libro di testo Solutions Pre-Intermediate, come "coperta", "dove", "kit di pronto soccorso", ecc.
a large piece of fabric made of wool, cotton, or other materials that is used to keep warm or to provide comfort, used on beds, sofas, chairs, etc.

a set of tools and medical supplies, usually carried in a bag or case, used in case of emergency or injury

kit di pronto soccorso
a small device used to create a flame for lighting cigarettes, candles, etc.

accendino, il accendisigaro
a cellular phone or cell phone; a phone without any wires and with access to a cellular radio system that we can carry with us and use anywhere

a tool with a slim piece of wood and a thin, colored part in the middle, that we use for writing or drawing

the thin sheets on which one can write, draw, or print things, also used as wrapping material

a lotion or cream applied to the skin to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays

crema solare, lotto solare

a small brush with a long handle that we use for cleaning our teeth

spazzolino da denti