Il libro Total English - Pre-intermedio - Unità 12 - Lezione 3
Qui troverai il vocabolario dell'Unità 12 - Lezione 3 nel libro di testo Total English Pre-Intermediate, come "prestito in prestito", "dipende", "agree", ecc.
to apologize
to tell a person that one is sorry for having done something wrong

scusarsi, chiedere scusa

to apply
to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.

candidarsi, fare domanda

to borrow
to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

prendere in
to lend
to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

to owe
to have the responsibility of paying someone back a certain amount of money that was borrowed

essere in debito di

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