पुस्तक Total English - पूर्व-मध्यवर्ती - इकाई 12 - पाठ 3
यहां आपको टोटल इंग्लिश प्री-इंटरमीडिएट कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 12 - पाठ 3 की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "उधार", "निर्भर", "सहमत", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
to tell a person that one is sorry for having done something wrong

माफी मांगना, क्षमाप्रार्थना करना

to formally request something, such as a place at a university, a job, etc.

आवेदन करना, प्रस्ताव करना

to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them

बहस करना, तर्क करना

to be based on or related with different things that are possible

निर्भर करना, आधारित होना

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

उधार लेना, उधार मांगना

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

उधार देना, कर्ज देना

to have the responsibility of paying someone back a certain amount of money that was borrowed

उधार होना, किसी का उधार चुकाना