Avverbi di valutazione ed emozione - Avverbi di evocazione di emozioni positive
Questi avverbi indicano che viene indotta in qualcuno una sensazione positiva o piacevole, come ad esempio "divertente", "stupefacente", "eccitante", ecc.
in a manner that causes great surprise or amazement
in a manner that captures intense interest or curiosity
in modo affascinante
in a way that causes sudden and unexpected surprise or shock
in modo sorprendente
in a way that makes people believe something is true
in modo convincente
in a way that is remarkable or notable, often causing a sense of admiration or awe
in a manner that evokes deep emotions, often sadness or sympathy
in modo toccante
in a delightful and captivating manner, often with a magical or charming quality
in a cute and charming manner, often evoking feelings of affection or endearment
in a manner that causes awe or amazement, often due to extreme beauty, intensity, or excellence
in a manner that is beautiful yet sad, leaving a deep and unforgettable impression
in modo inquietante
in a manner that is extremely captivating or interesting
in modo coinvolgente