Accademico IELTS (Banda 6-7) - Di bassa qualità
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi relative alla bassa qualità necessarie per l'esame IELTS accademico.
lacking in quality and not meeting the desired level of satisfaction

insoddisfacente, scadente

having lower quality or lesser value compared to others

inferiore, di qualità inferiore

having an inferior quality or ranking, especially when compared to others of its kind

di seconda categoria
having features or qualities that are not aesthetically pleasing or attractive

non attraente, sgradevole

lacking the ability to motivate, stimulate, or evoke enthusiasm

poco ispirante, noioso

ranking below the first and second tiers in terms of excellence

di terza categoria, di bassa qualità

deserving of sympathy or disappointment due to being in a poor and unsatisfactory condition

miserabile, deplorevole

causing feelings of sorrow or disappointment due to having an undesirable nature or outcome

regrettabile, deplorevole

lacking the skill, expertise, or professionalism typically associated with a more polished quality

amatoriale, non professionale