ここでは、ヘッドウェイ初級コースブックの日常英語ユニット 2 の「quater」、「nearly」、「o' Clock」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock
時間, 時
put after the numbers one to twelve to show or tell what time it is, only when it is at that exact hour
時, o'clock
either one of two equal parts of a thing
半分, ハーフ
a measure of time that equals 15 minutes
15分の1, クォーター
the time that has passed
過去, 経過した時間
used to say where someone or something goes
に, へ
at a later time than something
雨の後に, その後
to a small extent
ほんの, わずか
to a degree that is close to being complete
ほとんど, もう少しで
used with a number to show that it is not exact
約, およそ