本 Top Notch 2A - ユニット 2 - レッスン 2
ここでは、「コメディ」、「ミュージカル」、「サイエンス フィクション」など、Top Notch 2A コースブックのユニット 2 - レッスン 2 の語彙が見つかります。
a story told through a series of moving pictures with sound, usually watched via television or in a cinema

映画, ムービー

a style of art, music, literature, film, etc. that has its own special features

ジャンル, 芸術ジャンル

a film genre that has a lot of exciting events, and usually contains violence

アクション映画, アクションフィルム

a film genre that has a lot of unnatural or frightening events intending to scare people

ホラー映画, 恐怖映画

a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

映画, フィルム

a genre that emphasizes humor and often has a happy or lighthearted conclusion

コメディ, コメディジャンル

a film or a television program that gives information and facts on a specific subject, intending to educate as well as entertain people

ドキュメンタリー映画, ドキュメンタリー