本 Top Notch 3A - ユニット 2 - レッスン 4
ここでは、「点鼻薬」、「薬」、「軟膏」など、Top Notch 3A コースブックのユニット 2 - レッスン 4 の語彙を見つけることができます。
a mild disease that we usually get when viruses affect our body and make us cough, sneeze, or have fever

風邪, かぜ

a small round piece of medicine, containing an active drug and excipients, that should usually be swallowed

錠剤, タブレット

liquid medication sprayed into the nose with the use of a special device

鼻用スプレー, 鼻腔用エアロゾル

a type of medicine used when someone has a cold and a blocked nose to help them breathe more easily

去鼻づまり薬, 鼻詰まり解消薬

liquid medication dropped into the eye with the use of a special device that releases one drop at a time

目薬, 眼薬

a medicine, often in a form of liquid, that one takes to relieve coughing

咳止め薬, 咳用シロップ

a drug that is used to destroy bacteria or stop their growth, like Penicillin

抗生物質, バイ菌消滅薬

a medication that reduces or neutralizes the acidity of the body, particularly the stomach
