
本 Solutions - 初中級 - ユニット 7 - 7C

ここでは、ソリューション初中級コースブックのユニット 7 ~ 7C の「請求」、「廃棄」、「返金」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









Solutions - Pre-Intermediate
to buy

to get something in exchange for paying money

買う, 購入する

買う, 購入する

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to afford

to be able to pay the cost of something

払う余裕がある, 購入できる

払う余裕がある, 購入できる

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to borrow

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

借りる, 貸してもらう

借りる, 貸してもらう

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to charge

to ask a person to pay a certain amount of money in return for a product or service

請求する, チャージする

請求する, チャージする

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to get

to receive or come to have something

受け取る, 得る

受け取る, 得る

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to give

to hand a thing to a person to look at, use, or keep

与える, 手渡す

与える, 手渡す

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to lend

to give someone something, like money, expecting them to give it back after a while

貸す, 融資する

貸す, 融資する

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to lose

to be deprived of or stop having someone or something

失う, なくす

失う, なくす

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to owe

to have the responsibility of paying someone back a certain amount of money that was borrowed

借りている, 負っている

借りている, 負っている

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to pay for something

to give money or something else of value in exchange for goods or services

to run out

to use the available supply of something, leaving too little or none

使い果たす, 尽きる

使い果たす, 尽きる

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to save

to keep someone or something safe and away from harm, death, etc.

救う, 守る

救う, 守る

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to save up

to set money or resources aside for future use

貯める, 節約する

貯める, 節約する

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to sell

to give something to someone in exchange for money

売る, 販売する

売る, 販売する

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to spend

to use money as a payment for services, goods, etc.

使う, 支出する

使う, 支出する

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to waste

to use something without care or more than needed

浪費する, 使いすぎる

浪費する, 使いすぎる

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an amount we pay to buy, do, or make something

コスト, 値段

コスト, 値段

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something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills

お金, 通貨

お金, 通貨

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an amount of money that is paid back because of returning goods to a store or one is not satisfied with the goods or services

返金, リファンド

返金, リファンド

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to be short of something

to not have enough of something
