ここでは、英語結果中級コースブックのユニット 6 ~ 6A の「恐ろしい」、「巨大な」、「素晴らしい」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
very great and pleasant
素晴らしい, 見事な
above average in size or extent
大きい, 巨大な
needing to sleep or rest because of not having any more energy
疲れた, 疲労した
feeling scared or anxious
怖がっている, 怯えている
feeling very annoyed or upset because of something that we do not like
怒っている, 腹を立てている
causing a feeling of shock, disbelief, or wonder
驚くべき, 意外な
having a quality that is satisfying
良い, いい
very high in intensity or degree
extremely surprising, particularly in a good way
素晴らしい, 驚くべき
extremely unpleasant, bad, or disagreeable
ひどい, 嫌な
exceptionally impressive, excellent, or outstanding
素晴らしい, 輝かしい
very bad, often causing one to feel angry or annoyed
ひどい, 恐ろしい
extremely large in physical dimensions
巨大な, 莫大な
feeling extremely tired physically or mentally, often due to a lack of sleep
extremely amazing and great
feeling great anger
怒っている, 激怒した
extremely bad or unpleasant
feeling extremely scared and afraid
怯えた, 恐怖した