
本 Insight - 上級 - 語彙洞察 4

ここには、Insight Advanced コースブックの Vocabulary Insight 4 に含まれる「促進する」、「危険な」、「妨げる」などの単語が表示されます。









Insight - Advanced
to facilitate

to help something, such as a process or action, become possible or simpler

容易にする, 促進する

容易にする, 促進する

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to help

to give someone what they need

助ける, 手助けする

助ける, 手助けする

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to aid

to help or support others in doing something

助ける, 支援する

助ける, 支援する

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to assist

to help a person in performing a task, achieving a goal, or dealing with a problem

助ける, 支援する

助ける, 支援する

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to help out

to help someone, especially to make it easier for them to do something

手伝う, 助ける

手伝う, 助ける

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to cease

to bring an action, activity, or process to an end

停止する, 中止する

停止する, 中止する

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to dispose

to put someone or something in a specific order or position

配置する, 並べる

配置する, 並べる

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to hinder

to create obstacles or difficulties that prevent progress, movement, or success

妨げる, 阻害する

妨げる, 阻害する

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not precise or correct

不正確な, 誤った

不正確な, 誤った

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unfit for a particular person, thing, or situation

不適切, 不適当

不適切, 不適当

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a non-living thing that one can touch or see



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important or great enough to be noticed or have an impact

重要な, 意義ある

重要な, 意義ある

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a group that animals, plants, etc. of the same type which are capable of producing healthy offspring with each other are divided into

種, スペシーズ

種, スペシーズ

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a particular kind of matter in gas, solid, or liquid form

物質, 素材

物質, 素材

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bright spark

a person with high intelligence

明るい頭脳, 天才

明るい頭脳, 天才

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involving danger, risk, or uncertainty

危険な, あやしい

危険な, あやしい

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to pick one's brain

to ask a knowledgeable or informed person their opinion on something

to constitute

to contribute to the structure or makeup of something

構成する, 成り立つ

構成する, 成り立つ

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a fact, event, or situation that is observed, especially one that is unusual or not fully understood



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a sudden and clever idea or insight that comes to the mind, often leading to a solution

ひらめき, 閃き

ひらめき, 閃き

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having one's thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes manipulated or controlled by external influences

洗脳された, 操られた

洗脳された, 操られた

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a creative or innovative idea, project, or concept that is the result of one's own thinking or imagination

創造物, 独創的なアイデア

創造物, 独創的なアイデア

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having a tendency to be forgetful, disorganized, or easily distracted

気の散った, 無頓着な

気の散った, 無頓着な

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a puzzle or problem designed to test one's thinking or problem-solving skills

パズル, 頭の体操

パズル, 頭の体操

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to rack one's brain

to think hard or make a great effort to remember or solve something

to recite

to say something from memory, such as a poem or speech

朗読する, 暗唱する

朗読する, 暗唱する

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to reel off

to recite information without hesitation and fluently

スラスラと述べる, 流暢に言い切る

スラスラと述べる, 流暢に言い切る

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to attribute to

to assign the cause or ownership of something to a specific person, thing, or factor

帰属させる, 与える

帰属させる, 与える

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to pin on

to assign responsibility, blame, or fault to someone or something

押し付ける, 負わせる

押し付ける, 負わせる

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to discern

to distinguish between things

識別する, 区別する

識別する, 区別する

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to make out

to understand something, often with effort

理解する, 把握する

理解する, 把握する

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to collaborate

to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal

協力する, コラボレーションする

協力する, コラボレーションする

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to team up

to join or collaborate with others as a team to work towards a shared purpose

チームを組む, 協力する

チームを組む, 協力する

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to transmit

to convey or communicate something, such as information, ideas, or emotions, from one person to another

伝達する, 送信する

伝達する, 送信する

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to pass on

to transfer the possession or ownership of something to another person

譲渡する, 渡す

譲渡する, 渡す

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to impede

to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress

妨げる, 阻害する

妨げる, 阻害する

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hold up

used to ask someone to wait or momentarily stop what they are doing

to worship

to respect and honor God or a deity, especially by performing rituals

崇拝する, 礼拝する

崇拝する, 礼拝する

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to croon

to sing in a soft, gentle, and melodious manner, often with a sentimental or romantic tone

柔らかく歌う, 優しく歌う

柔らかく歌う, 優しく歌う

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a noticeable and specific way of speaking, typically associated with regions such as Ireland, Scotland, and parts of England

アクセント, 方言

アクセント, 方言

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taking on a physical or visible form, often from an abstract or conceptual state

具現化された, 現れた

具現化された, 現れた

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relatively new or inexperienced in a position, often displaying ambition or a desire for rapid advancement

新参者の, 野心的な

新参者の, 野心的な

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an open pipe that is attached beneath the edge of a building roof and carries rainwater away

雨樋, あまどい

雨樋, あまどい

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having a tendency to be irritable or ill-tempered

胆汁の, 怒りっぽい

胆汁の, 怒りっぽい

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to lend somebody a (helping) hand

to give a person help or assistance in doing something
