کتاب 'اینسایت' پیشرفته - بینش واژگان 4
در اینجا لغات Vocabulary Insight 4 را در کتاب دوره پیشرفته Insight پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "تسهیل کردن"، "دوگی"، "موانع" و غیره.
املای کلمه
to help something, such as a process or action, become possible or simpler

تسهیل کردن
to help a person in performing a task, achieving a goal, or dealing with a problem

کمک کردن, مساعدت کردن
to create obstacles or difficulties that prevent progress, movement, or success

مانع شدن, باز ایستاندن
a group that animals, plants, etc. of the same type which are capable of producing healthy offspring with each other are divided into

to ask a knowledgeable or informed person their opinion on something

از کسی مشورت گرفتن, کمک فکری خواستن
a fact, event, or situation that is observed, especially one that is unusual or not fully understood


a sudden and clever idea or insight that comes to the mind, often leading to a solution

جرقه فکری
having one's thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes manipulated or controlled by external influences

شستوشوی مغزی شده
a creative or innovative idea, project, or concept that is the result of one's own thinking or imagination

زاده ذهن, محصول اندیشه
having a tendency to be forgetful, disorganized, or easily distracted

گیج و حواسپرت, پریشانذهن
a puzzle or problem designed to test one's thinking or problem-solving skills

معمای چالشبرانگیز
to think hard or make a great effort to remember or solve something

(برای به یاد آوردن یا حل چیزی) به ذهن خود فشار آوردن
to recite information without hesitation and fluently

بدون وقفه اطلاعات را به اشتراک گذاشتن
to assign the cause or ownership of something to a specific person, thing, or factor

اختصاص دادن, نسبت دادن
to assign responsibility, blame, or fault to someone or something

کسی یا چیزی را مقصر دانستن, (تقصیر یا مسئولیتی را) به کسی یا چیزی نسبت دادن
to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal

همکاری کردن
to join or collaborate with others as a team to work towards a shared purpose

متحد شدن, دستبهدست هم دادن
to convey or communicate something, such as information, ideas, or emotions, from one person to another

انتقال دادن (مقصود، اطلاعات یا احساسات)
to transfer the possession or ownership of something to another person

انتقال دادن (مالکیت چیزی)
to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress

مانع (پیشرفت یا حرکت) شدن, به تعویق انداختن، مشکلتراشی کردن، پاگیر شدن
to respect and honor God or a deity, especially by performing rituals

عبادت کردن, پرستش کردن
to sing in a soft, gentle, and melodious manner, often with a sentimental or romantic tone

زیر لب آواز خواندن
a noticeable and specific way of speaking, typically associated with regions such as Ireland, Scotland, and parts of England

نوعی لهجه (مربوط به اهالی ایرلند، اسکاتلند و برخی مناطق انگلیس)
taking on a physical or visible form, often from an abstract or conceptual state

تجسمی از, دارای شکل جسمانی
relatively new or inexperienced in a position, often displaying ambition or a desire for rapid advancement

an open pipe that is attached beneath the edge of a building roof and carries rainwater away
