本 Total English - 初級 - ユニット 10 - レッスン 3
ここには、Total English Starter コースブックの Unit 10 - Lesson 3 にある「guest」、「report」、「plant」などの語彙が含まれています。
a written description of something that includes pieces of information that someone needs to know

報告, レポート

a period of time away from home or work, typically to relax, have fun, and do activities that one enjoys

休暇, ホリデー

a pair of lenses set in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, which we wear to see more clearly


a living thing that grows in ground or water, usually has leaves, stems, flowers, etc.

植物, 草木

a piece of paper or card that shows you can do or get something, like ride on a bus or attend an event

チケット, 切符

a public performance or entertainment event, often involving a variety of acts such as music, dance, drama, comedy, or magic

ショー, 公演

a digital code or a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money when making a purchase or used to receive a discount

バウチャー, クーポン

the period during someone's life when they stop working often due to reaching a certain age
