
ゲーム - 卓上ゲームのコンポーネント










Words Related to Games

a square board that is typically used for playing the game of checkers

チェッカー盤, チェッカーボード

チェッカー盤, チェッカーボード

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a type of game component that represents a unit of value that can be exchanged for goods, services, or points

通貨, お金

通貨, お金

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any physical element of the game, such as game pieces, cards, boards, dice, timers, or any other object that is used to play the game

コンポーネント, 要素

コンポーネント, 要素

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empty board

a game board that does not have any game pieces or tokens on it at the beginning of the game

空のボード, 無地のボード

空のボード, 無地のボード

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a small usually round object included in some board games to mark a player's place or score

コマ, トークン

コマ, トークン

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a small, round, flat piece or token used as a form of currency in various games, especially in gambling and board games

ジェットン, トークン

ジェットン, トークン

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a small, physical object or symbol that represents something else, often used as a unit of value or as a marker in games or transactions

トークン, シンボル

トークン, シンボル

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one of the small objects that a player moves around in board games

駒, ピース

駒, ピース

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a small marker or token used to keep score on a scoring board or define locations etc.

マーカー, ピン

マーカー, ピン

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a small, humanoid-shaped game piece used in various board games to represent a player's character or avatar on the game board

ミープル, 駒

ミープル, 駒

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a small cube used in games of chance with six sides each having one to six spots representing numbers

サイコロ, サイコロの目

サイコロ, サイコロの目

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a model or copy of a person or thing on a much smaller scale

ミニチュア, 模型

ミニチュア, 模型

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trading card

a trading card is a collectible card featuring images or information related to a specific theme, and it is often used in games or exchanged among enthusiasts

トレーディングカード, コレクションカード

トレーディングカード, コレクションカード

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a small, flat piece used in games to represent objects, actions, or resources, often arranged or moved during play

タイル, コマ

タイル, コマ

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a flat surface, typically made of cardboard, wood, or plastic, that serves as the playing area for a board game

ゲームボード, ボードゲーム用の板

ゲームボード, ボードゲーム用の板

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a device with a pivoting arrow or pointer used to determine outcomes or actions during gameplay

スピナー, 回転指示器

スピナー, 回転指示器

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score pad

a notepad or sheet used to record scores and keep track of points or progress in a game

スコアパッド, スコアシート

スコアパッド, スコアシート

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player aid card

a reference card or cheat sheet that provides helpful information or reminders about the rules, actions, or strategies in a game, assisting players during gameplay

プレイヤー補助カード, プレイヤー用リファレンスカード

プレイヤー補助カード, プレイヤー用リファレンスカード

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play money

fake money used in games and activities to pretend to buy and sell things without using real money

遊びのお金, 偽のお金

遊びのお金, 偽のお金

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a small, round, flat object, usually made of plastic or clay, that represents a certain amount of money or value and is used for betting and wagering

チップ, コイン

チップ, コイン

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a tool used in the game of tiddlywinks to press down on a winkle and make it jump

ティドリーワンックス用具, ウィンクルプレス

ティドリーワンックス用具, ウィンクルプレス

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a small, round disc made of plastic or other material, which players attempt to flip into a cup using a squidger, a larger disk-like tool

ウィンクル, トークン

ウィンクル, トークン

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each of a set of small flat blocks, made of wood, plastic, etc., with spots that represent numbers on one side, used in specific games



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cribbage board

a scoring tool used in the card game cribbage, featuring a series of holes or tracks to keep track of points earned during the game

クリッビッジボード, クリッビッジの得点板

クリッビッジボード, クリッビッジの得点板

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