一般トレーニング IELTS(バンド5以下) - オフィスライフ
ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要なオフィスライフに関連した英単語を学びます。
the team dedicated to selling and marketing a company's products or services

営業部門, 販売担当

a written description of something that includes pieces of information that someone needs to know

報告, レポート

a planned meeting with someone, typically at a particular time and place, for a particular purpose

アポイントメント, 約束

an official meeting where a group of people discuss a certain matter, which often continues for days

会議, シンポジウム

an event in which people meet, either in person or online, to talk about something

会議, ミーティング

the special set of clothes that all members of an organization or a group wear at work, or children wear at a particular school

制服, ユニフォーム

to ask someone questions to see whether they are qualified for a course of study, job, etc.

インタビューする, 質問をする