ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要な、増加額に関連するいくつかの英単語を学びます。
stuffed with a specific object
詰められた, 充填された
indicating a large number of something
多数の, 多くの
filled to the highest capacity
満杯の, いっぱいの
existing in large amounts
豊富な, 豊かな
available in large quantity
豊富な, plentiful
having a value or level greater than usual or expected, often in terms of numbers or measurements
高い, 高価な
existing or available in large quantities
豊富な, たくさんの
to grow in number, amount, size, or value
増加する, 上昇する
(of currencies, prices, etc.) to increase in value
上昇する, 価値が増す
to make the intensity, level, or amount of something increase
上げる, 増やす
to become larger in amount or size
増加する, 拡大する
to become more powerful, intense, or larger in quantity
盛り上がる, 蓄積する
to increase or enhance the amount, level, or intensity of something
増やす, 強化する
to increase something to the highest possible level
最大化する, 最適化する
(of costs, shares, etc.) to increase in value, price, or amount
上昇する, 進展する
to increase the size or quantity of something
拡大する, 大きくする
an increase in the amount, degree, importance, or size of something
成長, 発展
the action of making something bigger in size, quantity, or scope
拡大, 増大
an increase in the amount, size, importance, or degree of something
拡大, 増加
an amount that is added to something
拡張, 追加
an extra quantity or number that is combined with the original amount
追加, 加算
a state of constant increase in quality or quantity
進歩, 発展