ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要な品質に関連する英単語を学びます。
superior to others in terms of excellence
優れた, 卓越した
extremely great or large
信じられない, 驚くべき
extremely impressive and attractive
壮大な, 素晴らしい
completely without mistakes or flaws, reaching the best possible standard
完璧な, 完璧な状態の
causing admiration because of size, skill, importance, etc.
印象的な, 素晴らしい
worth noticing, especially because of being unusual or extraordinary
注目に値する, 並外れた
extremely amazing and great
素晴らしい, 驚くべき
extremely great and amazing
素晴らしい, すごい
of a low quality or standard
貧弱な, 質が低い
(of a thing) not pleasing or satisfying enough
受け入れられない, 承認されない
having no possibility or expectation of improvement or success
絶望的な, 希望のない
ineffective, unproductive, or not worthwhile
無価値な, 効果がない
extremely unpleasant, bad, or disagreeable
ひどい, 嫌な
extremely bad or unpleasant
ひどい, 恐ろしい
very bad, often causing one to feel angry or annoyed
extremely unpleasant or bad
恐ろしい, ひどい
not liked or enjoyed
不快な, 嫌な
very good in quality or other traits
優れた, 素晴らしい
having no strong positive or negative features
中立の, 無色の
superior to everything else that is in the same category
最高の, ベスト
having the required quality or ability for doing something
有能な, 能力がある