having many complex parts or details that make it difficult to understand or work with

複雑な, 込み入った

(of clothes and fabrics) having a design that is very detailed and complicated

精巧な, 複雑な

(of a system, device, or technique) intricately developed to a high level of complexity

洗練された, 高度な

causing confusion or bewilderment due to being difficult to understand or explain

混乱させる, 不可解な

presenting difficulties or concerns, often requiring careful consideration or attention

問題のある, 複雑な

(of a machine, piece of equipment, etc.) easy to use or understand by ordinary people

ユーザーフレンドリー, 使いやすい

straightforward, simple, and easily understood without any confusion or complexity

明確な, 単純な

(of a person) avoiding participation or engagement in a situation or activity

関与していない, 無関心な