ACT 数学と評価 - アイテムの管理
ここでは、ACT のエースに役立つ「まとめる」、「集める」、「散布する」など、アイテムの管理に関連する英単語を学びます。
to make things like items, people, particles, etc. spread out from a center and move in different directions

散らす, ばら撒く

to gather and store a large supply of food, money, etc., usually somewhere secret

蓄える, 貯める

to bring things together to form a whole or include something as part of a larger group

統合する, 統一する

to add something that enhances or improves the quality or appearance of someone or something

補完する, 向上させる

the act of bringing together various items, parts, or elements into a single unified whole

集約, 集合

a mixture of various ingredients, often created with skill and creativity like a blend of flavors in a drink

混合物, 調合物

a grouping or concentration of data points in a specific region, often used in statistics and data analysis to describe a set of values that are close to each other

クラスター, 群

something such as a book, record, etc. that consists of different pieces taken from several sources


the process or occurrence of combining or merging elements to create a unified whole

融合, 合成