책 English Result - 기초 - 8호 - 8B
여기서는 "dress", "niece", "coat" 등과 같은 English Result Elementary 코스북의 Unit 8 - 8B에 나오는 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
a type of soft hat with a rounded top and a firm peak in front, commonly worn casually or as part of a baseball uniform for sun protection

야구 모자, 모자

a type of strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle and often the lower part of the leg

부츠, 튼튼한 신발

a piece of clothing with long sleeves, worn outdoors and over other clothes to keep warm or dry

코트, 자켓

a piece of clothing worn by girls and women that is made in one piece and covers the body down to the legs but has no separate part for each leg

드레스, 의류

a piece of clothing often with a brim that we wear on our heads, for warmth, as a fashion item or as part of a uniform

모자, 햇

a short item of clothing that we wear on the top part of our body, usually has sleeves and something in the front so we could close it

자켓, 코트

pants made of denim, that is a type of strong cotton cloth, and is used for a casual style

청바지, 데님 바지

an open shoe that fastens the sole to one's foot with straps, particularly worn when the weather is warm

샌들, 열린 신발

a piece of clothing usually worn by men on the upper half of the body, typically with a collar and sleeves, and with buttons down the front

셔츠, 티셔츠

something that we wear to cover and protect our feet, generally made of strong materials like leather or plastic


a piece of clothing for girls or women that fastens around the waist and hangs down around the legs

치마, 스커트

(of a person) having a height that is less than what is thought to be the average height

짧은, 키가 작은

a jacket with a pair of pants or a skirt that are made from the same cloth and should be worn together

정장, 수트

a piece of clothing worn on the top part of our body that is made of cotton or wool, has long sleeves and a closed front

스웨터, 니트

a piece of clothing that covers the body from the waist to the ankles, with a separate part for each leg

바지, 팬츠