여기서는 "소설", "기사", "시" 등과 같은 Insight Elementary 코스북의 Unit 8 - 8C의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.
the occupation of writing something for publication as the job of an author
작문, 글쓰기
a piece of writing about a particular subject on a website, in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication
a type of literature about unreal people, events, etc.
픽션, 소설
a type of literature about real people, or events, etc.
논픽션, 논픽션 문학
a long written story that usually involves imaginary characters and places
소설, 문학 작품
a written story that is meant to be performed on a stage, radio, or television
극, 연극
a written piece with particularly arranged words in a way that, usually rhyme, conveys a lot of emotion and style
시, 시가
a written text that a movie, show, or play is based on
스크립트, 각본
a complete story that is not long and can be read in a short time
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