
책 Insight - 고급 - 유닛 5 - 5A

여기에서는 "허틀(hurtle)", "스키드(skid)", "오버슈트(overshoot)" 등과 같은 Insight Advanced 코스북의 단원 5 - 5A의 어휘를 찾을 수 있습니다.









학습 시작
Insight - Advanced
to chug

to produce a rhythmic and repetitive sound, often resembling the noise made by a train or an engine

칙칙 푹푹하는 소리내다

칙칙 푹푹하는 소리내다

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to accelerate

to rise in amount, rate, etc.

to hurtle

to move with speed and intensity

휙 소리를 내며 가다

휙 소리를 내며 가다

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to pull up

(of a vehicle) to come to a stop

차량을 정지하다

차량을 정지하다

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to advance

to move towards a goal or desired outcome

진전을 보이고 있다

진전을 보이고 있다

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to prowl

to roam about without a specific purpose



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to creep

to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface



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to stride

to walk confidently and purposefully with long, decisive steps

걸터 앉다

걸터 앉다

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to stroll

to walk leisurely or casually, typically without a specific destination or purpose, often for enjoyment or relaxation

한가롭게 이리저리 거닐다

한가롭게 이리저리 거닐다

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to collide

to come into sudden and forceful contact with another object or person

to skid

to slide or slip uncontrollably, usually on a slippery surface

표면에서 미끄러짐(우연히)

표면에서 미끄러짐(우연히)

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involving a direct confrontation or encounter in which two individuals or objects meet face-to-face



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to jackknife

(of articulated vehicles such as tractor trailer) to experience a loss of control where the front and rear parts of the vehicle fold together

...을 접어 구부리다

...을 접어 구부리다

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to shed

to accidentally release or spill a liquid or substance in a sudden and uncontrolled manner



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to overshoot

to go further or beyond a specific point, often by accident or because of going too fast

넘겨 쏘다

넘겨 쏘다

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to swerve

to change direction suddenly, often to avoid something or someone in the way

빗나가게 하다

빗나가게 하다

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to write off

to cause such severe damage to a vehicle that it becomes irreparable and no longer usable

곧 쓰다

곧 쓰다

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to shatter

to break suddenly into several pieces

조각조각 부서지다

조각조각 부서지다

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