本 Insight - 上級 - ユニット5 - 5A
ここでは、「ハードル」、「スキッド」、「オーバーシュート」など、Insight Advanced コースブックのユニット 5 ~ 5A の語彙を見つけることができます。
to produce a rhythmic and repetitive sound, often resembling the noise made by a train or an engine

ゴトゴト音を立てる, 圧縮空気を出す

to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface

はい crawl, ゆっくり移動する

to walk leisurely or casually, typically without a specific destination or purpose, often for enjoyment or relaxation

散歩する, ブラブラする

involving a direct confrontation or encounter in which two individuals or objects meet face-to-face

正面の, 直接的な

(of articulated vehicles such as tractor trailer) to experience a loss of control where the front and rear parts of the vehicle fold together

ジャックナイフになる, 折りたたまれる

to accidentally release or spill a liquid or substance in a sudden and uncontrolled manner

こぼす, 流出させる

to go further or beyond a specific point, often by accident or because of going too fast

オーバーシュートする, 越える