추상적인 인간 속성의 형용사 - 긍정적인 지적 특성의 형용사
긍정적인 지적 특성 형용사는 "호기심", "분석적", "지식 있음" 등과 같은 마음과 지성의 특성을 설명합니다.
deeply knowledgeable and experienced and capable of giving good advice or making good decisions

지혜로운, 슬기로운

showing sensibility and wisdom, especially in avoiding risks or making decisions

신중한, 현명한

cautious and attentive of one's surrounding, especially to detect and respond to potential dangers or problems

경계하는, 조심스러운

careful and modest in behavior, showing wise self-restraint and avoiding unnecessary attention

신중한, 조심스러운

relating to goals or ideals that inspire ambition or desire for achievement

야망이 있는, 포부를 가진

having a lot of information or expertise in a particular subject or field

유식한, 전문적인

having conscious knowledge and recognition of one's own thoughts, feelings, and existence

자기 인식의, 자아 인식이 있는

choosing or doing things with good taste and presenting them in a classy and appealing manner

세련된, 취향이 좋은

(of a person) willing and eager to engage in conversation and share information openly with others

의사소통의, 말을 잘하는

having a desire to learn many different things and asks many questions to gain knowledge or understanding

호기심 많은, 탐구적인

quick and clever with their words, often expressing humor or cleverness in a sharp and amusing way

재치 있는, 기지가 있는

(of a person) able to quickly and accurately understand or notice things due to keen awareness and insight

지각력이 있는, 통찰력 있는

having devoted a lot of time and effort into learning necessary skills for a particular field or activity

규율 있는, 엄격한

displaying good judgment in different things, especially about their quality

혜안이 있는, 식별력이 있는

capable of quickly grasping complex topics and offer clear and insightful perspectives

예리한, 날카로운

displaying or possessing extensive knowledge that is acquired by studying and reading

박식한, 지식이 풍부한

possessing practical knowledge, expertise, or understanding in a particular domain

영리한, 능숙한

possessing quick intelligence and an ability to make clever remarks or observations

재치 있는, 똑똑한

innovative and proactive in anticipating and preparing for future developments or trends

미래 지향적인, 혁신적인