추상적 속성을 설명하는 형용사 - 특이성의 형용사
특이성의 형용사는 무언가를 설명하거나 식별할 때 특이성이나 세분성의 수준을 표현할 수 있게 해줍니다.
unique and distinctive among others that are of the same general classification

특별한, 독특한

used to emphasize that one is talking about the exact same person or thing and not about anyone or anything else

바로 그, 정확한

very careful or meticulous in choosing only the best or most suitable options

선택적인, 선별적인

intended for or understood by only a small, specialized group, often due to complexity or secrecy, similar to arcane

에소테릭, 비밀스러운

applying to many different things, rather than being specific to just one type or class

일반적인, 광범위한

referring to traits or features that are shared by all members of a particular biological genus

일반적인, 제네릭

expressed with clarity and precision, leaving no doubt as to the meaning or intention

명확한, 확실한

having a specific theme or subject that serves as a central organizing concept or idea

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