Adjetivos de Atributos Abstratos - Adjetivos de Especificidade
Os adjetivos de especificidade permitem-nos expressar o nível de especificidade ou granularidade na descrição ou identificação de algo.
unique and distinctive among others that are of the same general classification

particular, único

used to emphasize that one is talking about the exact same person or thing and not about anyone or anything else

o mesmo, exato

limited or available to only a specific group, individual, or category

exclusivo, privativo

chosen due to possessing particular qualities or characteristics

selecionado, escolhido

very careful or meticulous in choosing only the best or most suitable options

seletivo, cauteloso

referring to something mentioned previously in a conversation or text

mencionado anteriormente, acima mencionado

intended for or understood by only a small, specialized group, often due to complexity or secrecy, similar to arcane

esotérico, arcano

customized to meet the specific needs or preferences of an individual

individualizado, personalizado

applying to many different things, rather than being specific to just one type or class

geral, amplo

referring to traits or features that are shared by all members of a particular biological genus

genérico, geral

expressed with clarity and precision, leaving no doubt as to the meaning or intention

definido, claro

possessing a quality that is noticeable and different

distintivo, característico

focused or directed towards a specific goal, objective, or audience

direcionado, focado

having a specific theme or subject that serves as a central organizing concept or idea

temático, com tema

customized or specifically designed to suit a particular individual, purpose, or situation

sob medida, personalizado