학문적 IELTS (밴드 5 이하) - Technology
여기에서는 Basic Academic IELTS 시험에 필요한 기술 관련 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
a device worn on the head that combines a headphone and microphone for listening and speaking

헤드셋, 이어셋

a small, removable card that stores data for one's mobile device and identifies one to the network

SIM 카드, 심 카드

a machine, particularly one connected to a computer, that prints text or pictures onto paper


a device that creates a digital copy of a document or photo and sends it to a computer

스캐너, 문서 스캐너

equipment that transforms electrical signals into sound, loud enough for public announcements, playing music, etc.

스피커, 음향 장치

a small computer that you can take with you wherever you go, and it sits on your lap or a table so you can use it

노트북, 휴대용 컴퓨터

a flat, small, portable computer that one controls and uses by touching its screen

태블릿, 태블릿 PC

a portable device that combines the functions of a cell phone and a computer, such as browsing the Internet, using apps, making calls, etc.

스마트폰, 지능형 전화

(of signals or data) representing and processing data as series of the digits 0 and 1 in electronic signals

디지털, 숫자형

the system through which different devices can be connected to each other over short distances wirelessly using radio waves

블루투스, 블루투스 기술

a device that has two pieces that cover the ears and is used to listen to music or sounds without others hearing

헤드폰, 이어폰

a piece of equipment used for recording voices or sounds or for making one's voice louder

마이크로폰, 음성 녹음 장치