일반 교육 IELTS (밴드 6-7) - 창작 및 제작
여기에서는 General Training IELTS 시험에 필요한 Creating 및 Producing과 관련된 몇 가지 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
to make something from a piece of metal object by heating it until it becomes soft and then beating it with a hammer

단조하다, 형성하다

to create fabric or a fabric item by interlocking loops of yarn or thread using a hooked needle

코바늘로 뜨다, 코바늘 뜨개질을 하다

to create fabric or material by interlacing threads, yarn, or other strands in a pattern using a loom or by hand

짜다, 엮다

to carve or cut a design or lettering into a hard surface, such as metal or stone

조각하다, 새기다

to make a drink, such as tea or coffee, or soup by soaking ingredients in hot water

우려내다, 끓이다

to create or produce something by cutting or shaping a material, such as a sculpture or design

조각하다, 새기다

to design, build, or plan something systematically and skillfully, especially using scientific principles and technical knowledge

설계하다, 엔지니어링하다

to write something for the first time that needs corrections for the final presentation

초안 작성하다, 지작성하다

to introduce new ideas, methods, or products to improve or change the current way of doing things

혁신하다, 새로운 방법을 도입하다