
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - Physical Actions (Take)

"인사를 받다", "투구를 치다"와 같은 신체적 행동에 사용되는 'Take'를 사용하여 영어 배열에 대해 알아보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to take action

to do something in response to a particular situation, often to address a problem or achieve a goal

조치를 취하다

조치를 취하다

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to take a bath

to wash the body in a tub filled with water

목욕하기 (욕조에서)

목욕하기 (욕조에서)

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to take a bite

to eat a portion of food by cutting it or tearing it with the teeth

뭔가를 한 입 먹고

뭔가를 한 입 먹고

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to take a bow

to show appreciation for applause or recognition by lowering one's head or upper body, typically after a performance or achievement

칭찬이나 박수를 보내는 사람에게 절을 하는 것

칭찬이나 박수를 보내는 사람에게 절을 하는 것

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to take a call

to answer an incoming phone call

전화에 응답

전화에 응답

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to take exercise

to engage in physical activity, typically for the purpose of improving one's fitness, health, or overall well-being



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to take a look

to view or examine something briefly or casually

뭔가를 조사하는 중

뭔가를 조사하는 중

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to take a seat

to sit down or assume a sitting position



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to take a shower

to wash the body using a flow of water from a showerhead



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to take a sip

to drink a small amount of liquid

뭔가 좀 마시고

뭔가 좀 마시고

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to take a step

to move one foot forward or to change one's position by moving one's feet

한발 더 나아가다

한발 더 나아가다

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to take a walk

to go outside and move on one's feet for pleasure or exercise



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to take a sideswipe from sb

to receive an unexpected and often indirect criticism or insult

갑자기 누군가로부터 비난을 받게 되다

갑자기 누군가로부터 비난을 받게 되다

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to take a sideswipe at sb/sth

to direct an insult or criticism toward someone or something, often in an indirect manner

간접적으로 누군가를 모욕하는 것

간접적으로 누군가를 모욕하는 것

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to take a flight

to board an aircraft and travel from one place to another

비행기를 타고 여행하다

비행기를 타고 여행하다

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to take a turn

to change one's direction while traveling, walking, or navigating a path

자신의 이동 방향을 바꾸는 것

자신의 이동 방향을 바꾸는 것

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to take the trick

(in card games such as bridge and Spades) to win a round by playing the highest-value card among those played by all participants in that round

가장 귀중한 카드를 사용하여 승리

가장 귀중한 카드를 사용하여 승리

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to take the wicket

(of a bowler in cricket) to successfully get a batsman out

(크리켓에서) 상대팀 선수를 퇴장시키는 행위

(크리켓에서) 상대팀 선수를 퇴장시키는 행위

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to take the pitch

(of a batter in baseball or softball) to let the thrown ball go by without attempting to hit it

야구에서 공을 치는 것을 피할 때

야구에서 공을 치는 것을 피할 때

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to take a ride

to travel a distance, typically in a vehicle, such as a car, bicycle, or train

차량으로 여행하다

차량으로 여행하다

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