
'Make- Take- Have'의 연어 - 건강 및 자기 관리(있음)

건강과 자기 관리를 표현하는 데 사용되는 'Have'가 포함된 영어 배열을 살펴보세요.









학습 시작
Verb Collocations With 'Make- Take- Have'
to have a cold

to be sick with symptoms like a runny nose, coughing, and a sore throat



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to have a haircut

to get one's hair trimmed, styled, or changed by a hairdresser or barber

이발을 받고

이발을 받고

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to have a lie down

to take a short break by resting on a flat surface, like a bed or sofa, to relax

휴식을 취하기 위해 기대어

휴식을 취하기 위해 기대어

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to have a limp

to walk with difficulty, often due to pain or injury in one leg, making it harder to move normally

어렵게 걷기

어렵게 걷기

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to have a massage

to get one's body rubbed and pressed by a skilled person to relax one's muscles and reduce tension

누군가가 당신을 마사지할 때

누군가가 당신을 마사지할 때

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to have a nap

to take a short, light sleep, typically during the day to rest and refresh

낮잠을 자다

낮잠을 자다

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to have a rest

to take a break or pause from physical or mental activity to relax

휴식을 취하다

휴식을 취하다

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to have a seat

to sit down, often in a chair or on a suitable surface



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to have a shave

to shorten or remove facial hair using a razor or other tools

면도칼로 얼굴을 면도하다

면도칼로 얼굴을 면도하다

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to have a snooze

to take a short and light nap, often for a brief period to rest or refresh

짧은 낮잠을 자다

짧은 낮잠을 자다

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to have a stretch

to perform movements that gently lengthen and relax one's muscles

근육 스트레칭

근육 스트레칭

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to have a stroke

to suddenly experience a medical condition where blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to various health issues

누군가 뇌졸증을 앓았을 때

누군가 뇌졸증을 앓았을 때

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to have a temperature

to experience an increased body heat, often as a sign of illness

열이 나다

열이 나다

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to have a walk

to go outside and move on one's feet for pleasure or exercise

산책하러 나가기

산책하러 나가기

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