Kollokationen von 'Make- Take- Have' - Gesundheit und Selbstfürsorge (Haben)
Entdecken Sie englische Kollokationen mit „Have“, die zum Ausdruck von Gesundheit und Selbstfürsorge verwendet werden, einschließlich „have a hinken“ und „have a shave“.
to have a lie down
to take a short break by resting on a flat surface, like a bed or sofa, to relax
to have a limp
to walk with difficulty, often due to pain or injury in one leg, making it harder to move normally
to have a massage
to get one's body rubbed and pressed by a skilled person to relax one's muscles and reduce tension
to have a stroke
to suddenly experience a medical condition where blood flow to the brain is disrupted, leading to various health issues

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