'Do- Set- Go'의 연어 - 제한사항 및 계획(세트)
"경계 설정" 및 "날짜 설정"과 같이 제한 및 계획에 사용되는 'Set'을 사용하여 영어 배열에 대해 알아보세요.
to set a boundary
to define or establish limits or rules that determine acceptable behavior, actions, or access within a specific context
to set a parameter
to establish specific conditions or rules that define how something should be done or considered
to set a deadline
to establish a specific date or time by which a task, project, or activity must be completed or achieved
to set a date
to establish or choose a specific date for an event, meeting, appointment, or deadline
to set a time
to determine or select a specific time for an event, meeting, activity, or appointment

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