Kollokationen von 'Do- Set- Go' - Einschränkungen und Planung (Set)
Tauchen Sie ein in die englischen Kollokationen mit „Set“, die für Einschränkungen und Planung verwendet werden, wie „eine Grenze festlegen“ und „ein Datum festlegen“.
to define or establish limits or rules that determine acceptable behavior, actions, or access within a specific context
to establish specific conditions or rules that define how something should be done or considered
to create a detailed strategy for achieving a specific goal or objective
to establish a specific date or time by which a task, project, or activity must be completed or achieved
to establish a specific objective or goal that one aims to achieve
to establish or choose a specific date for an event, meeting, appointment, or deadline
to determine or select a specific time for an event, meeting, activity, or appointment
to establish a specific objective or target that one aims to achieve within a defined timeframe