여기에서는 초등학생을 위해 준비한 "full", "hard", "deep"과 같은 영어 질적 형용사를 배우게 됩니다.
having no space left
가득한, 충만한
with no one or nothing inside
빈, 허전한
not involving difficulty in doing or understanding
간단한, 쉬운
needing a lot of skill or effort to do
어려운, 힘든
not near in time or space
먼, 멀리 있는
having no particular plans or tasks
자유로운, 빈
avoiding work or activity and preferring to do as little as possible
게으른, 하찮은
(of a person) putting in a lot of effort and dedication to achieve goals or complete tasks
근면한, 열심히 하는
(of clothes or furniture) making us feel physically relaxed
편안한, 안락한
different or better than what is normal
특별한, 특이한
having a great distance from the surface to the bottom
깊은, 심오한
gentle to the touch
부드러운, 연한