a type of soft hat with a rounded top and a firm peak in front, commonly worn casually or as part of a baseball uniform for sun protection

야구 모자, 모자

a shirt worn by athletes representing their team or country in sports

스포츠 저지, 스포츠 유니폼

a specialized garment worn by cyclists for comfort and performance during rides

자전거 저지, 사이클링 저지

a type of outerwear designed specifically for skiing and other winter sports

스키 재킷, 스키 자켓

a tight-fitting garment worn during physical activity to provide support for the breasts

스포츠 브라, 운동용 브라

a garment that combines the appearance of a skirt with the functionality of shorts

스커트 반바지, 반바지 스커트

a type of tight-fitting shorts designed for cycling, typically with padding for comfort

사이클링 반바지, 자전거 반바지

garments designed to be worn over regular pants for protection and warmth during skiing or other winter sports activities

스키 바지, 스키 팬츠

pants that are loose-fitting above and tight-fitting below the knee, used for horse riding

조드퍼, 승마 바지

a specialized garment worn by racers for protection and aerodynamics during competitive racing

레이싱 슈트, 경주복

a tight-fitting garment worn for protection against rash and sunburn, typically used in water sports

레쉬가드, 보호 셔츠

a pair of athletic shoes that is cleated at the sole, especially used for football

발목축구화, 클릿이 있는 운동화

a type of footwear designed for sports or activities, typically with metal or plastic spikes on the sole for better grip

스파이크 슈즈, 스파이크 운동화

a type of footwear designed specifically for horseback riding, typically featuring a tall shaft that extends up to the knee or just below

승마용 부츠, 승마 부츠

a footwear designed with specialized features for rock climbing, providing grip and suppor

클라이밍 슈즈, 등반화

a rubber shoe that is flat and has an expanded front paddle that enables one to swim faster

오리발, 수영 오리발

a light, soft shoe with a rubber sole, worn for tennis or on casual occasions

테니스화, 운동화

a shoe that is light, comfortable, and suitable for running and other sports

러닝화, 운동화

a type of shoe with two pairs of small wheels attached to the bottom, for moving on a hard, flat surface

스케이트, 롤러스케이트

a specialized footwear designed for use in alpine skiing that provides support and stability to the skier's foot, ankle, and lower leg

스키 부츠, 스키화

the traditional attire worn for practicing judo, typically consisting of a jacket and pants made from thick cotton

유도복, 주도복

a traditional Korean martial arts uniform worn during taekwondo training and competitions

도복, 태권도 도복

a sleeveless undershirt, typically worn as a comfortable and sweat-absorbing undergarment

민소매, 속옷

a tight-fitting piece of clothing made of rubber that is worn by underwater swimmers to remain warm

웨트 슈트, 잠수복

a tight, waterproof hat worn while swimming to keep hair dry and protect it from pool chemicals

수영모, 배athing 캡

a waterproof garment worn by divers, kayakers, and water sports enthusiasts to stay dry and insulated in cold water

드라이 수트, 방수복

a special glove with a webbed design and a deep pocket, used by baseball players to catch the ball

야구 미트, 미튼