Boek English Result - Upper-intermediate - Eenheid 6 - 6B
Hier vindt u de woordenschat uit Unit 6 t/m 6B in het Engelse Result Upper-Intermediate cursusboek, zoals "low-budget", "high-powered", "low-fat", etc.
referring to products, actions, or practices that are designed to cause minimal harm to the environment

milieuvriendelijk, ecologisch

(of a product or system) using less energy while still achieving the same level of performance or output

energie-efficiënt, energiezuinig

(of food or a diet) having a low or lower amount of fat

vetarm, laag in vet

containing a lot of fiber, which helps with digestion

rijk aan vezels, vezelrijk

describing something that has low levels of energy or requires minimal energy

laag-energetisch, met laag energieverbruik

having exceptional strength, influence, or capabilities

krachtig, hoogwaardig

(of a machine, piece of equipment, etc.) easy to use or understand by ordinary people

gebruiksvriendelijk, eenvoudig te gebruiken

characterized by a limited amount of financial resources or funding

laag budget, goedkoop

possessing a superior level of excellence or value compared to similar items, often indicating exceptional standards in materials, craftsmanship, or performance

hoogwaardig, superieur