considered true and accepted by all but not known for a fact

vermeend, aangenomen

treating someone cruelly and violently, especially in a physical or psychological way

misbruikend, gewelddadig

having tones of humiliation, insult, disrespect, or disapproval

pejoratief, afkeurend

continuously happening one after another

opeenvolgend, aaneengeschakeld

providing clear and final evidence or proof, leaving no doubt or uncertainty

concluderend, beslissend

capable of producing a lot of profit or earning a great amount of money for someone

winstgevend, rendabel

able to make decisions quickly and confidently

beslissend, doortastend

providing useful information or guidance, often with the intention of teaching or educating

instructief, educatief

behaving in a way to avoid being seen or noticed, especially when feeling guilty

stiekem, verborgen

increasing gradually as more and more is added

cumulatief, cumulatieve

not firmly established or decided, with the possibility of changes in the future

voorlopig, tijdelijk

having the ability to generate a large amount of output or results

productief, efficiënt

leading to the desired goal or result by providing the right conditions

bevorderlijk, gunstig