Gedrag, Houding en Benadering - Silence
Ontdek Engelse spreekwoorden over stilte met uitspraken als "stilte is halve toestemming" en "stilte is het beste antwoord op een dwaas".
used to imply that sometimes it is wiser to remain silent than to speak, as it can prevent one from saying something unnecessary or hurtful and allow one to listen, reflect, and learn from others
used to imply that people who do not speak much or show their emotions can sometimes have hidden motives or qualities, and one should be cautious and attentive around them
used to suggest that when someone remains silent in a situation where they could speak out or object, it can be interpreted as a form of agreement or acceptance
used to suggest that sometimes it is better to remain quiet and not speak out, as silence can be more valuable and effective than speaking
used to imply that it is often wise to remain quiet and listen carefully before speaking or taking action