a device spraying perfumes or other forms of liquid
atomizer, verstuiver
a person who exchanges commodities with other commodities without the use of money
ruilhandelaar, wisselaar
someone who drives mules and leads them in the right direction
a person or company who makes or sells clothes
kledingverkoper, kleermaker
a person who is regarded as being able to foresee or predict the future
Waarzegger, Voorspeller
smooth, white, or lightly tinted stone, often used for ornaments
an individual who is an expert of art, food, music, etc. and can judge its quality
a person who works underground and mines coal
mijnwerker, steenkoolwerker
a person who gathers the harvest on a farm
oogster, snijder
a person who wanders around a place without doing anything specific or intended
rondhangen, loslopende
a person or company that promotes or advertises a product, service, or event to increase its popularity or sales
promotor, organisator
a person who works in a quarry and is responsible for breaking stones or rocks
steenbreker, verbreker
a long and thick metal bar used to build bridges or form the frame of large structures such as buildings
balk, ligger
a person who admits to doing something wrong
belijdenis, bekennende
someone who earns a lot of interest or gain in a way that it seems unfair
profiteur, speculant
a person who plays bowling and throws a heavy ball at a set of pins
bowling speler, bowlingspeler
a person who takes on an insincere attitude in order to impress people
poseur, veins
a person who declares or reports the coming of someone or something
voorbode, heraut