Academisch IELTS (Band 6-7) - Bijwoorden van commentaar en zekerheid
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met bijwoorden van commentaar en zekerheid die nodig zijn voor het academische IELTS-examen.
in a manner that can be easily understood or sympathized with given the circumstances
begrijpelijk, redelijkerwijs
in a manner expressing sorrow, disappointment, or a sense of apology
jammer genoeg, helaas
in a manner that is very much or to a great extent
grondig, volledig
used to convey that something seems to be true based on the available evidence or information
blijkbaar, kennelijk
used to convey that a statement can be supported with reasons or evidence
waarschijnlijk, te betwijfelen
in a way that is not anticipated or foreseen
onverwachts, ineens
in a way that can not be disputed or disagreed with
onbetwistbaar, ongetwijfeld
in a manner indicating surprise, curiosity, or an unexpected nature
vreemd genoeg, op een vreemde manier
used as a polite and formal closing in letters or emails to express genuine or heartfelt feelings of sincerity and goodwill towards the recipient
oprecht, vriendelijk
used as a formal closing in a letter or email to convey politeness, deference, and respect to the recipient
met respect, met eerbied
used for saying that a situation is odd, unexpected, paradoxical, or accidental
ironisch genoeg, paradoxaal genoeg
used to say that the something is believed to be true based on available information or evidence
vermoedelijk, presumptief
in a manner beyond any question or uncertainty
onbetwistbaar, zonder twijfel
in a way that makes any disagreement or denial impossible or unlikely
onbetwistbaar, volstrekt
in a way that is definite and cannot be rejected or questioned
onbetwistbaar, onmiskenbaar
in a way that leaves no room for disagreement or debate
onbetwistbaar, zonder twijfel
in a way that cannot be confused or misunderstood
onmiskenbaar, ondubbelzinnig
in a manner that leaves no room for disagreement or denial
onbetwistbaar, zonder twijfel
in a way that is impossible to doubt or question
ongetwijfeld, zonder twijfel
in a way that can be anticipated or expected with a high degree of certainty
voorspelbaar, vermoedelijk
in a way that is certain and beyond any doubt
beslist, ongetwijfeld