B2 Woordenlijst - Algemene bijwoorden
Hier leer je enkele Engelse bijwoorden, zoals "ongeveer", "blijkbaar", "opzij", enz., voorbereid voor B2-leerlingen.
used to convey that something seems to be true based on the available evidence or information

blijkbaar, kennelijk

used to say that something such as a number or amount is not exact

ongeveer, bijna

in a simple or fundamental manner, without concern for less important details

basistisch, in wezen

in a manner that shows one's disapproval of someone or something

kritisch, op een kritische manier

in a manner that is not as one had hoped for

teleurstellend, in teleurstellende wijze

in a way that shows there is no hope for success or improvement

hopeloos, wanhopig

in a way that cannot be stopped or avoided, and certainly happens

onvermijdelijk, zeker

in a manner that expresses what is really intended, without exaggeration

letterlijk, in letterlijke zin

used to refer to the outcome of a situation if the circumstances were different

anders, in dat geval

to a specific degree, particularly when compared to other similar things

relatief, vergelijkingsgewijs

used for expressing the sincerity or honesty of a particular feeling, statement, etc.

werkelijk, echt

in a manner that does not achieve the desired outcome

zonder succes, tevergeefs