Zwierzęta - Robaki
Tutaj poznasz nazwy różnych rodzajów robaków w języku angielskim, takie jak „gąsienica”, „pijawka” i „tasiemiec”.
a small soft-bodied animal with an elongated body that lacks limbs and eyes
a sandworm that lives near the sea and is used as bait for fishing
robak piaskowy, robak morski
a terrestrial invertebrate of the annelid family that moves through the soil and feeds on organic matter
dżdżownica, robak glebowy
an arthropod with many pairs of legs and a pair of poisonous fangs
a simple worm with a soft unsegmented body that is flat, some types of which are parasitic
płazińce, płaska dżdżownica
any arthropod of the diplopod family with a segmented body and many pairs of legs
milliped, milipeda
a parasitic flatworm that is shaped like a ribbon and lives in the intestines of mammals
tasiemiec, cestoda
a long tiny nematode that infests the intestines, especially rectum, of mammals
nicień, węgorz nitkowaty
a parasitic or predatory worm of the annelid family that lives in freshwaters and drinks blood by attaching itself to its prey
pijawka, leech
any long and cylindrical worm with a segmented body that is either parasitic or free-living
nicien, robak okrągły
a long and small wormlike larva of a moth or butterfly that has many limbs
gąsienica, larwa motyla
the larvae of a beetle that feed on wood and make a lot of holes in it
robak drzewny, czerw drewniaczek
a parasitic roundworm with strong hooks or plates that attaches to an animal or a human's intestines and causes an infection or disease
glista hakowa, ankylostoma
a worm of the nematode family that is parasitic and lives in the intestines of humans or animals
nicienie, nematoda
any parasitic worm of the trematode family that invades the liver of a mammal
motylica wątrobowa, płaz wątroby
a type of insect, the female of which emits light through bioluminescence, especially a firefly
świetlik, robak świetlny