
Książka Solutions - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 3 - 3A

Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 3 - 3A z podręcznika Solutions Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „biuletyn informacyjny”, „opera mydlana”, „efekty specjalne” itp.









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Solutions - Pre-Intermediate

a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

film, nagranie

film, nagranie

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television program

a show or series of shows that is broadcasted on television at specific times, which can include news, movies, TV series, educational content, and other types of programming

program telewizyjny, emisja telewizyjna

program telewizyjny, emisja telewizyjna

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action film

a film genre that has a lot of exciting events, and usually contains violence

film akcji, film o akcji

film akcji, film o akcji

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a movie in which animated characters move

animacja, film animowany

animacja, film animowany

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chat show

a program where a host talks to famous people and experts about different topics, often with audience participation

talk-show, program dyskusyjny

talk-show, program dyskusyjny

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a genre that emphasizes humor and often has a happy or lighthearted conclusion

komedia, gatunek komedii

komedia, gatunek komedii

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a movie or TV program based on true stories giving facts about a particular person or event



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a type of story, movie, etc. based on imagination, often involving magic and adventure

fantazja, fikcja

fantazja, fikcja

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game show

a television or radio program where people compete against each other to win prizes

teleturniej, gra telewizyjna

teleturniej, gra telewizyjna

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horror film

a film genre that has a lot of unnatural or frightening events intending to scare people

film grozy, film horror

film grozy, film horror

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any theatrical performance that combines singing, dancing, and acting to tell a story

musical, spektakl muzyczny

musical, spektakl muzyczny

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news bulletin

a quick and brief report about what's happening that gets shown on TV, radio or online several times a day

biuletyn informacyjny, krótkie wiadomości

biuletyn informacyjny, krótkie wiadomości

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romantic comedy

a genre of movie that depicts the comic events resulting in the development of a romantic relationship

komedia romantyczna

komedia romantyczna

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science fiction

books, movies, etc. about imaginary things based on science

fantastyka naukowa

fantastyka naukowa

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a humorous show on television or radio with the same characters being involved with numerous funny situations in different episodes

sitkom, komedia sytuacyjna

sitkom, komedia sytuacyjna

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soap opera

a TV or radio show, broadcast regularly, dealing with the routine life of a group of people and their problems

opera mydlana, serial telewizyjny

opera mydlana, serial telewizyjny

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period drama

A TV show or movie that shows what life was like in the past and tries to get the detailst are typical or evocative of the era

dramat kostiumowy, dramat historyczny

dramat kostiumowy, dramat historyczny

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reality tv

entertainment shows on television about the lives of ordinary people in real situations

telewizja reality, programy reality

telewizja reality, programy reality

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talent show

an event or competition in which participants showcase their skills or talents in front of an audience and a panel of judges

show talentów, konkurs talentów

show talentów, konkurs talentów

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a movie, novel, etc. with an exciting plot that deals with crime

thriller, suspens

thriller, suspens

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war film

a type of movie that shows stories about wars and the people involved, with a focus on action, drama, and the effects of war

film wojenny, film o wojnie

film wojenny, film o wojnie

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weather forecast

a report on possible weather conditions and how they will change in the following day or days

prognoza pogody, raport pogodowy

prognoza pogody, raport pogodowy

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a movie or book that usually involves the lives and adventures of cowboys and settlers in American West

western, film western

western, film western

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a defining or distinctive feature of something

aspekt, cecha

aspekt, cecha

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the job or art of performing in movies, plays or TV series

aktorstwo, gra aktorska

aktorstwo, gra aktorska

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a person or an animal represented in a book, play, movie, etc.

postać, charakter

postać, charakter

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the final part of a story, movie, etc.

koniec, zakończenie

koniec, zakończenie

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the events that are crucial to the formation and continuity of a story in a movie, play, novel, etc.

fabuła, akcja

fabuła, akcja

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a part of a movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type

scena, fragment

scena, fragment

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a written text that a movie, show, or play is based on

scenariusz, skrypt

scenariusz, skrypt

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the recorded sounds, speeches, or music of a movie, play, or musical

ścieżka dźwiękowa, muzyka filmowa

ścieżka dźwiękowa, muzyka filmowa

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special effects

techniques used in movies and other media to create cool visuals or sounds using computers or filmmaking tricks to add excitement

efekty specjalne, efekty wizualne

efekty specjalne, efekty wizualne

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