Książka Solutions - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Jednostka 6 - 6A
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z rozdziałów 6–6A z podręcznika Solutions Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „atrakcja”, „turystyczny”, „atmosferyczny” itp.
a country in the North Western Europe, informally known as Holland

Holandia, Państwa Niskich Ziem

a country in central Europe that borders Italy to the west, Austria to the north


a country that is mainly in Western Asia with a small part in Southeast Europe


a country in Europe known for its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower

Francja, kraj Francja

a country located in East Africa, known for its diverse wildlife, beautiful landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and world-renowned athletes


someone who enters a place, such as a building, city, or website, for a particular purpose

odwiedzający, gość

a place, activity, etc. that is interesting and enjoyable to the public

atrakcja, miejsce turystyczne

a building in which sea creatures, such as fish, sharks, etc., are kept and displayed for the public


a place where many different plants are grown and displayed for people to see and learn about

ogród botaniczny, ogród roślin

a large and strong building that is protected against attacks, in which the royal family lives

zamek, twierdza

the largest and most important church of a specific area, which is controlled by a bishop


a structure, often placed in a pool or lake, that pumps a long, narrow stream of water up into the air for decorative purposes


a place where important cultural, artistic, historical, or scientific objects are kept and shown to the public


an area under the protection of a government, where people can visit, for its wildlife, beauty, or historical sights

park narodowy, rezerwat narodowy

a large and impressively designed house that is often the official house of a powerful individual such as a president or king

pałac, rezydencja królewska

(plural) the remains of something such as a building after it has been seriously damaged or destroyed

ruiny, pozostałości

a large object created to look like a person or animal from hard materials such as stone, metal, or wood


a building used for worshiping one or several gods, used by some religious communities, especially Buddhists and Hindus

świątynia, ołtarz

a large park, with machines and games that are all related to a single concept, designed for public entertainment

park rozrywki, park tematyczny

a tall and often narrow building that stands alone or is part of a castle, church, or other larger buildings

wieża, bastion

a large park with swimming pools, water slides, etc. that people go to swim and have fun

park wodny, aquapark

having a connection to or originating in the Earth's atmosphere

atmosferyczny, wiążący się z atmosferą

making us feel tired and unsatisfied because of not being interesting

nudny, męczący

having so many things to do in a way that leaves not much free time

zajęty, zapracowany

not fulfilling one's expectations or hopes

rozczarowujący, niesatysfakcjonujący

causing admiration because of size, skill, importance, etc.

imponujący, wspaniały

extremely impressive and beautiful, often evoking awe or excitement

widowiskowy, imponujący

intended for, visited by, or attractive to tourists, in a way that one does not like it

turystyczny, zbyt turystyczny

a country in southeastern Europe known for its beautiful coastline, historic cities, and cultural heritage


a country in Central Europe bordered by Germany, Slovakia, Poland, and Austria

Republika Czeska

a country located in central Europe, known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and thriving economy


a country with a long history and rich culture located in South Eastern Europe and Northern Mediterranean Sea


a country located in Central Europe, known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, thermal baths, and delicious cuisine


a country in Northern Europe, bordered by Estonia to the north, Lithuania to the south, Russia to the east, and the Baltic Sea to the west
