Książka Total English - Zaawansowany - Jednostka 7 - Lekcja 2
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z Rozdziału 7 – Lekcji 2 z podręcznika Total English Advanced, takie jak „stały”, „osada”, „miasto duchów” itp.
extremely impressive and beautiful, often evoking awe or excitement
widowiskowy, imponujący
continuing to exist all the time, without significant changes
stały, trwały
someone who visits a place or travels to different places for pleasure
(of a volcano) currently showing signs of volcanic activity or having the potential to become active soon
aktywny, czynny
a once-thriving town or community that has been abandoned or largely deserted, often due to economic or environmental factors
miasto duchów, opuszczone miasto
harsh, providing an environment where life or growth is difficult or impossible
nieprzyjazny, zły
the process of making a new place as permanent residence by people
osiedlenie, kolonizacja
a mountain with an opening on its top, from which melted rock and ash can be pushed out into the air