Ogólne Szkolenie IELTS (Pasmo 6-7) - Myśli i Decyzje
Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z myślami i decyzjami, które są niezbędne do egzaminu General Training IELTS.
to contemplate or think deeply about something for insight or understanding

reflektować, zastanawiać się

to give careful thought to something, its various aspects, implications, or possibilities

rozważać, zastanawiać się

to think carefully about something and consider it before making a decision

rozważać, zastanawiać się

to form a theory or opinion about a subject without knowing all the facts

spekulować, przypuszczać

to remember past events, experiences, or memories with a sense of nostalgia

wspominać, przypominać

to summon or evoke something from the past, such as memories, emotions, or images

przywoływać, przypominać

to intentionally ignore or act without concern for something or someone that deserves consideration

lekceważyć, ignorować

to choose a person for a specific job, particularly a political one, by voting

wybierać, elekować

to decide something, after considering all possible alternatives

zdecydować się na, wybrać

to assign or designate someone to a particular position or responsibility

nominować, wyznaczać

to accept, embrace, or incorporate a particular idea, practice, or belief into one's own behavior or lifestyle

adoptować, przyjąć

to focus on a particular person or thing from a group in either a positive or negative manner

wyróżniać, podkreślać

to show which candidate one wants to win in an election or which plan one supports, by marking a piece of paper, raising one's hand, etc.

głosować, oddawać głos

to draw a logical inference or outcome based on established premises or evidence

wnioskować, konkludować

to adopt or accept a particular cause, ideology, practice, method, or lifestyle as one's own

przyjąć, objąć

to have an unfavorable opinion or judgment about something

nie zatwierdzać, odrzucać