500 Advérbios Mais Comuns em Inglês - 351 - 375 principais advérbios
Aqui você encontra a parte 15 da lista dos advérbios mais comuns em inglês, como "abertamente", "próximo" e "além".
in a general way, without regard to specific details
de forma geral, amplamente
with regard to what behavior is wrong or right
moralmente, do ponto de vista moral
in a way that involves or refers to a group as a whole
coletivamente, em grupo
in a way that is not restrained or controlled
descontroladamente, loucamente
to a considerable extent or degree
substancialmente, consideravelmente
in a way that is related to seeing, sight, or appearance
visualmente, de forma visual
(used for emphasis) to the fullest degree or extent
totalmente, completamente
without conscious thought or reasoning
instintivamente, por instinto
used for saying that a situation is odd, unexpected, paradoxical, or accidental
ironica, paradoxalmente
in a manner that is firmly held, fastened, or closely fitted
firmemente, apertadamente
in a way that one does an action with full awareness, understanding, or knowledge of the results
conscientemente, intencionalmente
without being controlled or influenced by someone or something else
independentemente, de forma independente
in a way that is related to things happening or existing inside of a specific thing or being
internamente, dentro
used to introduce the most important part of what is being said
notavelmente, em particular
to or in a foreign country, particularly one that is across the sea
no exterior, além-mar