Iniciantes 1 - Móveis e eletrodomésticos
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre móveis e eletrodomésticos, como “mesa”, “tapete” e “fogão”, preparadas para alunos do nível iniciante.
furniture with a usually flat surface on top of one or multiple legs that we can sit at or put things on
furniture we use for working, writing, reading, etc. that normally has a flat surface and drawers
escrivaninha, mesa de trabalho
furniture with a back and often four legs that we can use for sitting
a piece of furniture that has a soft and comfortable area for two or more people to sit or rest on
sofá, couch
a long and hard seat that is normally made of metal or wood and two or multiple people can sit on
banco, banco de parque
something we use to cover or decorate a part of the floor that is usually made of thick materials or animal skin
tapete, carpete
a box-shaped equipment used for cooking or heating food by either putting it inside or on top of the equipment
fogão, aquecedor