Livro Face2face - Elementar - Unidade 10 - 10D
Aqui você encontrará o vocabulário da Unidade 10 - 10D do livro Face2Face Elementary, como "outono", "brilhante", "nuvem", etc.
the season that comes after fall and in most countries winter is the coldest season
the season that comes after spring and in most countries summer is the warmest season
the season after summer and before winter when the leaves change color and fall from the trees
the season that comes after winter, when in most countries the trees and flowers begin to grow again
a container, usually with four sides, a bottom, and a lid, that we use for moving or keeping things
a type of electromagnetic radiation that makes it possible to see, produced by the sun or another source of illumination
(of water) to fall from the sky in the shape of small and soft ice crystals
a unit of measurement for temperature, angles, or levels of intensity, such as Celsius degrees or a degree of pain
having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant
air that moves quickly or strongly in a current as a result of natural forces
healthy and strong, especially due to regular physical exercise or balanced diet
the state or quality of being in good physical condition, typically as a result of regular exercise and proper nutrition