Livro Insight - Pré-intermediário - Visão do vocabulário 5
Aqui você encontrará as palavras do Vocabulary Insight 5 no livro do curso Insight Pre-Intermediate, como "arriscar", "entediado", "cuidar de", etc.
a playful activity in which we use our imagination, play with toys, etc.

jogo, partida

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

cuidar de, dar assistência a

tired and unhappy because there is nothing to do or because we are no longer interested in something

entediado, desinteressado

to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time

sair, ir a um lugar

to divide and allocate a resource, task, or item among individuals

distribuir, repartir

to rise to a standing position from a seated or lying position

levantar-se, colocar-se em pé

to change from being a child into an adult little by little

crescer, tornar-se adulto